Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Vend My Insanity

"i have sold my sole to the red tail devil, 
and now i am riding on the fork 
above the Manhattan skyline, soon--
there will be rain of fish from Africa,
there will be rain of nails from the moon. 

vend my insanity, 
my dear friend, 
but not too cheap."

© all right reserved

Monday, June 6, 2011

April Is Not The Cruelest Month

April is not the Cruelest Month

by Wen Wen Lin on Tuesday, April 6, 2010 at 5:28am

Spring flowers are your laughter—
Awakens me from a death like trance--
Everywhere your laughter echoes,
A flower breaks a rock, breaks a wall---
Everywhere your laughter lingers,
The white swans put on their ballet shoes---
Drunk from earth dew at dawn,
Poetry seduced from intoxication
Of mere presence, of You--

© all right reserved

I Am Zhang Ailing

Roses is My Language, & So Is Snow

Roses is My Language, & so is Snow

by Wen Wen Lin on Wednesday, May 26, 2010 at 9:16am
when you let someone
tiptoes into your life,
like a cat, in April,
and leaves a timid foot print
soon covered, and disappeared
by a sudden ice storm---

in May;
the garden path is empty,
welcome you with a numbing chill,
you meet your fate's
familiar wink,
& its conventional pathos
beckoning for another play
on your un-learned heart

roses is my language
and so is snow--
until you know how to
write winter off
and mail it out
on a postcard....

the rose petals stay
frozen, brittle and shattered
bleeding red on

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White Fat Liver

White Fat Liver

by Wen Wen Lin on Wednesday, March 3, 2010 at 1:11am
Let human babies breath fresh,
And breast fed
From the milk of innocence
From absolutely pure experience,
Un-contaminated by memories---
Before you tube it down their throats
your best education, your best Concepts,
your best ideology,
your protection of law and orders
and the ENTIRE world of goodness,
all the memories of civilization,
all past experience of the long ghosts,
all religions, or even all spiritualism--
they are all, nothing but
your fear of loss and death in disguise--

Don’t shovel all that
Down their throats

For their White Fat Liver.

WWLIN(March 2003)
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Condor de Crux

Condor de crux

by Wen Wen Lin on Sunday, April 26, 2009 at 9:27am
(hiking on the INCA highland, peru)

On the edge of the world,
Where the mountains
Cannot reach the sky any more
The condor flies

Its wings stretch 10,000 miles
Carrying all dreams through history,
Over the valleys of this ancient highland
When swirl and pan,
Its eyes look not for preys of flesh,
But of souls that rot—

Then straight to the heart it comes,
In a swift second,
Devours and disappears
On the edge of the world,
Where all dreams end.

WWLIN(Feb. 2003)
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Waiting for Ulysses

Waiting for Ulysses

I am borne out of nowhere,
Resembling no one,
And no one resembles me

I am the bird without feet
Flying against my own will
With no place to land or rest

I am the dirty child of the street
The moon has no tears for me
And the stars do not even want to be my blanket

Every night, I pray to a headless statue
I drink wind from the north east,
And I wait for Ulysses.

© all right reserved

An Answer

It is the urge to share beauty in life
And absurdity in existence
finds its way to you…

At the moment when the unrest comes to still
The world silences for us to meet--
As if it is too beautiful to bear,
Sadness arises, which has no words,
But for the intensity of the gaze,
The familiarity when two strangers first meet,
And for the inevitable that follows.

And maybe, the predestined encounter
In a brief segment of our existence
Is sufficient to bear
The unbearable in life to come—
The hearts remember,
Though how fleeting it maybe,
The never ending circle our bodies form,
The trembling of our souls,
The wings of the butterflies
Fluttering in the morning light
When we wake up from deep sleep,
And look into each others’ eyes--

Centuries of waiting
Has an answer.

wwlin July 2003
© all right reserved

There Is A River Between Us

there is a river between us,
you seem so near, but
you are on the other side
of the river.....

i could see u, and
you do not see me.

there is a river between us,
even when we are
on the same side of the river....
