Tuesday, August 27, 2013

T. E. A.

tea is my language--
do you not read tea?
they dance, they swirl tea ballet, 
they hide, and they retort.....

in tea universe,
after exhausting 
in the gesture of sacrifice, 
their divine essence, 
nectar of translucent jewel of amber, 
all for our consumption
and an appreciated AHHHHH...
before their soul gracefully
depart in the steam
the whirling dervishes...

read tea,
read ppl,
read the world passing by....

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Sunday, August 4, 2013

A Sign of Life

1: The Light
simmered all night
by the quiet moonlight on the pond,
the lotus flowers stretch
their blossoms, petals by petals;
and lift their stems, vertebra by vertebra,
and say:
when the first word meets
the first fiber of light at dawn.
a morning dewdrop glides off
the wavy lotus leaves
waking from the dream of a thousand gods,
a soul just slip back inside my body--

a sign of life....

2: The Wind
the mane of the white horse,
is the brush of the wind,
writing inexplicable words
as it walks passed me,
i walk into a dream...
by a cathedral,
the statues in the children's garden
are all playing hide and seek,
a sign of life...
riding on wild horse
the white wind--

(To be continued...)

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